Feb. 14, 2021

I love Free Software

February 14 is I love Free Software Day! Today we confess our love to free software. Check out our our declarations of love, share them on Twitter and read more about the background of the day at the Free Software Foundation Europe.

Auf dem Bild steht "I love free software" in grauer Schrift auf weißem Grund. Das Wort "Love" ist dargestellt als grünlilanes Herz.

... because control over software is power. And power should be shared.

- Robert

... because system architecture needs to be democratic!

- Marie-Kathrin

… because it makes digital innovations accessible for everyone.

- Moritz

... because together we are stronger.

- Katharina S.

... because software should not be a black box, especially software for citizen participation!

- Frederik

... because it's accessible to everyone.

- Julian

... because it's transparent and comprehensible.

- Luca

... because it makes sustainability possible.

- Katharina M.