November 2023 - November 2026
Institut für angewandte Informatik (InfAI) e.V., Kindervereinigung Leipzig e.V.

Values and standards shape the day-to-day work of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) more than almost any other form of organization. However, this is precisely where contradictions often arise: the internal structures and processes do not correspond to the organization's own ideals - wether it's an NGO that is committed to educational justice but only has limited training opportunities for employees, or in an association that strives to improve democracy, but that has unexpectedly hierarchical decision-making processes. There are various factors restricting NGOs: limited financial resources, a lack of human resources or a lack of technical know-how.

This is where ROOTS comes in. As a technical service provider, we contribute a digital participation platform and develop it further in order to support NGOs in the collaborative and value-based design of their work processes. New functions - such as simplified participation, an integrated learning center and AI for the needs-based aggregation of content - create the technical prerequisites for digital participation. This enables organizations and their employees to shape change processes in a self-determined, inclusive way and at their own pace.

Together with Kindervereinigung Leipzig e.V., we are testing the platform and optimizing it specifically for the needs of NGOs.

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