March 21, 2019
Liquid Democracy urges action against the EU Copyright Directive

The members of Liquid Democracy are alarmed by the Europen Union’s Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. The directive prioritizes the interests of copyright holders and big media corporations. It puts free and independent platforms for online discussions in danger. Instruments like filtering user content (“upload filters”) and forcing platforms to pay for links to information websites (“link tax”) have the potential to make ideas like Liquid Democracy impossible to implement. They could put our users, us and our platforms in legal and financial jeopardy.
Today, we join fellow projects like Wikipedia in protest against the EU Copyright Directive. We urge the Members of the European Parliament to vote against it. We call on everyone to join the protests against the directive on Saturday, March 23rd.
Berlin, March 21st, 2019,
The Board of Liquid Democracy e.V.